Types of abstracts: review, classification and definitions

In the process of study, students have to write essays on many subjects and topics, which summarizes the basic information. Some essays can be written in the form of a report, while others are more like a term paper. In the article we will consider what types of essays are, what classifications they are divided into, and what requirements are most often presented to them


1 Definition of abstract
2 Types of essays
2.1 Scientific Abstract
2.2 Fiction
3 Classification of essays
3.1 Types of essays on the nature of the material
3.2 Types of essays by the number of primary sources
3.3 Types of abstracts in completeness
3.4 Types of essays for the intended purpose
4 Conclusion

Definition of abstract

An abstract is a student’s report, which shows how much this material is learned and how a student can conduct and analyze research work. The basis of the definition of an abstract is a summary of a given topic. When writing text, you need to pay attention to the writing style, the presentation of the material, sources and much more.

Types of essays


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Abstracts are divided into two main types: scientific and artistic. The first is suitable for the analysis or investigation of events or phenomena, the second for subjective assessment (the opinion of the author).

Scientific Abstract

If a student writes a scientific abstract, then the style should be appropriate, without free turns. Such texts include:

  • science articles;
  • reviews;
  • abstracts;
  • annotations
  • reports
  • lectures;
  • term papers, etc.

The features of the scientific style are visible if the texts are written: sequentially, reasonably, clearly, logically, restraint and neutral.

In the scientific style, the educational content is most often used, where the results are summed up only on the merits and there is no need to explain and discuss why the author made such conclusions. After all, science is almost always reasoned by reliable facts. The main thing is for the reader to see the significance of the work and the understandable content.


This is a functional style, which is characterized by simple, ordinary words where you can insert jargon or a local dialect. Thanks to the free word, artistic, beautiful works, films, exhibitions, etc. are obtained.

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If a student is studying at a theater university, then you often have to write essays in an artistic style. Thus, students learn to approach each issue creatively.

See also – Rules for completing a doctoral dissertation: requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission
Classification of abstracts
As already mentioned above, each essay differs in its style, presentation of material, presentation, content, etc. Everything depends on the specific university and its specifics.

Types of essays on the nature of the material

Reproductive. This is the most common statement after reading one source. The student must retell it in his own words as he understands the topic. Productive. This view provides for the creative approach of the author.

Reproductive abstract include:

Abstract-summary, which describes generalized information, as well as highlights the main points. This type of essay is subject to minimum requirements.

Each topic is one block of the abstract, where not only the main, but also additional information is recorded. An abstract can be written in the form of a plan, diagram or text. It doesn’t matter how it is designed, since the main thing here is for the student and readers to understand what the work is about.

Abstract-summary – a brief statement of the statement, in which only the most basic aspects are highlighted.

Productive abstract include:

The report, which contains detailed analytics and gives an extremely objective assessment. At the time of writing this essay, the student should not only describe the problem, but also express his opinion.

A review in which different opinions, points of view are compared and the student learns to compare, analyze data on the topic of the issue.

Types of essays by the number of primary sources

Monographic – the report is written based on one source. It can be a book, magazine or a fully disclosed article. However, at the same time, it is necessary to present the report in such a way as to interest the reader;

Overview – several sources are taken for the report, the main one is highlighted and outlined. That is, the author independently selects literature, magazines and writes a report in a structured, interesting and only in essence;

Fragmented. When only one or several first chapters (fragments) are taken and a report is written on their basis.