According to sociological surveys, most adults on average spend no more than 1.5 hours per week with their children! And how do you squeeze in heart-to-heart conversations, trips to theater and nature, reading books and other common things? Of course, it’s not the fault, but the misfortune of most parents, who have to spend all day at work to fill the family budget. But children should not be left to their own devices. It is good if there are grandparents who can take on some of the problems of parenting. And if they are not? Be sure to think about what your child will do during the hours free from studying and preparing lessons. Sports sections (do not forget to talk to the coach yourself) will not just take time, but will help to improve health and develop motor skills. In the house of children’s creativity you can learn how to sew, build airplanes, write poems. Let the child have the freedom to choose an occupation, but he should know firmly: he has no time for idleness and boredom.
Take care of the child’s health and his, learn to play sports with him, go on vacation, go hiking. What a delight the child feels from the usual sausage roasted at the stake, from a crumbled piece of black bread, which was found in the bag after returning from the forest, where you collected mushrooms together. And a day spent in the garage with your father repairing a car will seem more important for the boy than riding in the park on the “coolest” attraction. Just do not miss the moment when it is interesting for the child.
The same goes for the habit of doing things at home. A little one is interested in washing dishes, peeling potatoes, baking pie with his mother. And this is also an opportunity to talk, talk, and listen. We missed this moment – we “saved” the child so that he wouldn’t get his hands dirty, everything is lost forever.
The desire of adults to avoid talking to children on some topics teaches them that these topics are forbidden. Dodging or misrepresenting information causes undue anxiety among children. And, at the same time, do not give children information they do not ask about that they cannot yet deal with emotionally, which they are not ready to comprehend. The best option is to give simple and direct answers to children’s questions. So parents themselves need to develop comprehensively – not only in their specialty, but also in politics, art, and general culture – to be an example of morality for children, a bearer of human values and virtues.