How to write a dissertation practical recommendations

In connection with the significant intensification of the printing of scientific works in foreign publications and bringing compliance with the requirements of leading domestic publications to the level of foreign ones, scientists are quite urgently faced with the problems of active ownership and use of information and existing provisions.

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Foreign recommendations for writing manuscripts of scientific articles contain many useful tips for researchers and can be successfully used in their practical activities. Therefore, before you start writing a dissertation, you need to know that in a number of foreign scientific institutions and scientific publications it is customary to document the results of all studies conducted not only in laboratory protocols, but also in the form of articles. In this case, the scientific work is of a slightly different nature, not aiming to influence the reader with an interesting hypothesis and its convincing confirmation, but only archive the work of the team of laboratories and scientific groups in the framework of projects whose results may be negative in relation to expectations, and the data obtained were statistically unreliable.

The first thing you need to know before writing a dissertation is that it should be a finished scientific work containing scientific novelty and / or practical value, justification of the provisions put forward. The dissertation should contain the main sections. Information in sections should not be repeated.

PhD thesis where to start – key points

Step 1. Before writing a dissertation, it is necessary to clearly formulate for itself its general outline, which is an important preparatory stage.

Step 2. Before a dissertation is written, the author needs to identify for himself the specific goal and task of describing the relevant studies.

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Step 3. It is necessary to determine concretely enough the possibilities of solving problematic issues when writing a candidate, which the author will have to face in the future.

Step 4. Plan and write down your key points for writing a candidate dissertation, and then write the main idea of ​​the article (“Message” – “letter”, appeal to the reader) – in one sentence (20-25 words).

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Step 5. Before writing a dissertation, where to start, the author should ask himself and his work: “What would you say?”: “What do you want to say with her (article)?”.

Step 6. All further work on the dissertation (Paper) should be focused around this central principle and idea.

Step 7. The section “The materials and methods of research” (The materials and methods) is written briefly and concisely, it includes only the most important details that characterize your research.

Step 8. Form the problems and questions of your research:

What was known to science before the start of your research?
What did you do to answer the research questions?
Step 9. Decide on the main data and the results of your scientific work.

Structure and group research ideas

Think and write down for yourself briefly, point by point, what your dissertation will be. How to start correctly and organize individual research data into appropriate groups, chronologically and structured.

The constructed scheme should be understandable and clearly structured, for this you can use cluster maps, a tree-like data structure, flowcharts, numbering in the order below.

Give references (References) for each of the key points of the dissertation.

Before writing a Ph.D. thesis (Manuscript) and paragraph “Introduction” (Introduction), carefully re-read and summarize the notes made earlier.

The introduction should begin to be written with the most important part of the main idea of ​​the dissertation:

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What was the purpose and objectives of your research.

How did you achieve them in the process.

What results, conclusions and generalizations have led you to research.

Preparation of scientific work and the procedure for writing sections
The title of the dissertation should be specific and informative, up to 10 words, contain only generally accepted abbreviations and most fully reflect the essence of research, contain as many keywords as possible.

Names of authors indicating the place of main work.

Annotation in the language of writing the article (35-50 words).